Contribution to a topography of educational policies in Uruguay

institutions, ideas and actors


  • Nicolás Bentancur Instituto de Ciencia Política, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la República de Uruguay


educational policies; public policies; Uruguay


The article connects the realm of "politics" with "policies" in the educational sphere, following two objectives: a) to propose a general theoretical framework for the analysis of educational policies’ process, and b) to define the key characteristics of this sector in Uruguay. The author argues that the kind of institutional design, the ideas of educational change available and the relevant actors’ identities, perspectives and power resources in this arena are the three main factors that structure the political dynamics of the sector and contribute significantly to explain the outputs of educational policies. On this basis, the paper analyzes the regulatory framework, existing programs and repertoire of political actors of the Uruguayan educational arena and explains their patterns of operation and the most important axes of controversies


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How to Cite

Contribution to a topography of educational policies in Uruguay: institutions, ideas and actors. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 21(1), 65-93.