Managerialist-type contracts, Neoliberal State and embedded autonomy
managerialist contracts, Neoliberal State, embedded autonomyAbstract
The aim of this work is to make a theoretical critique to the introduction of contractual relations between the State and the senior managers of the Executive branch which is one component of the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm. I assert that the contractual relationships in the specific form proposed by the NPM in its ideal-type model is functional with the ideal neoliberal State-type, because it weakens the power of the representative government, and thus the power of democracy and the State center over the administrative apparatus. As a consequence, this weakens the State’s autonomy with respect to the market and weakens its rooting with people. Inversely, they strengthen the power of a technocracy, they strengthen its rooting with the market and the private sector, and they strengthen their autonomy with respect to the representative government, the democratic process and the citizens.
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