Political Influence of Coalitions. Analysis of the Enactment of Environmental Policies in Argentina (2004-2010)





Environmental policy, political coalitions, design process, Native Forests Act, Glaciers Act, Argentina


The enactment of environmental laws sparks debates among various actors who form opposing coalitions to impose their visions. Using Argentina as a case study, we conducted a comparative analysis of the approval of two national environmental laws during a period of high commodity prices (2000-2013), during which the exploitation of resources would be constrained by these laws: the Native Forests Act (2007) and the Glaciers Act (2010). We seek to answer: what factors favor the enactment of environmental policies that limit the advance of various productive activities in a commodity boom context? We argue that the success of a coalition seeking to break the prevailing status quo depends on the coordination of two strategies: public salience and parliamentary negotiation.


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How to Cite

Political Influence of Coalitions. Analysis of the Enactment of Environmental Policies in Argentina (2004-2010). (2024). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 33. https://doi.org/10.26851/RUCP.33.8