The educational voucher system:

a new "panacea" for Latin America ?


  • Gustavo Cosse FLACSO (Buenos Aires)


Latin American, Educational reform


This article analyses the effectiveness of the voucher system as an education policy reform strategy in Latin America. After reviewing the historical origins of the voucher system and discussing its theoretical foundations, the author analyses a range of cases both from the region (Chile, Argentina) and from the United States (Milwaukee, Alum Rock, Baltimore-Maryland, School Choice Scholarships Program ofNew York City). The article concludes that there is no theoretical argument or empirical evidence to justify regarding the voucher system as the "new panacea" for increasing the efficiency, equity and quality of the education system.


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How to Cite

The educational voucher system:: a new "panacea" for Latin America ?. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 12, 157-178.