Electoral legislation and party systems: the Uruguayan case
electoral legislation, political party systems, Duverger, Sartori, KatzAbstract
The article studies the effects of electoral legislation on the Uruguayan party system. The mechanisms examined are Duverger's "law" - in Sartori's reformulation - on the favorable effect of bipartisanship on simple majority systems, and Katz's rule on the fractionalizing consequences of intraparty preferential voting. In relation to the party system itself, the article concludes that it was a bipartisan system during most of the first fifty years of Uruguayan democracy, and that during the last twenty years it has been transformed into a multiparty system of moderate pluralism with four relevant actors - in the terms of Sartori-. Currently the party system continues to change, although the direction of that change is still unclear. The major parties of the system have always been fractionalized, particularly in the 1960s. In relation to the "tendency laws" of Duverger-Sartori and Katz it is concluded that during those first fifty years the Uruguay was a perfect illustration of its validity. It is still too early to know if this will continue to be true at the end of the current transition period.
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