So Close and So Far:

Transparency in Local Governments in Uruguay2013-2016


  • Matías Ponce Universidad Católica del Uruguay



transparency, Open Government, local government


This article aims to describe the state of transparency of local governments in Uruguay in the period 2013-2016. Uruguay has made progress in the management of access to public information through the approval of an Access Law in 2008, a subsequent regulatory decree, and a pending government agency. However, compliance with the transparency law has not had the expected impact on local governments. From the levels of compliance with active transparency, the article advances in a neo-institutionalist reading regarding the poor performance that these governments have had in the period on access to public information.


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How to Cite

So Close and So Far:: Transparency in Local Governments in Uruguay2013-2016. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 26(2), 75-102.