Uruguay's strategy of international insertion in the Frente Amplio government
Government Program, Foreign policy, MERCOSURAbstract
The article analyzes the foreign policy of the current Uruguayan government starting with the political program prepared by the Encuentro Progresista – Frente Amplio – Nueva Mayoría (EP-FA-NM) for the 2004 national election. The strategy of international insertion gave priority to the MERCOSUR as a platform for its relationship with the rest of the world. In the implementation of a pragmatic foreign policy, concrete actions were taken by the Executive Branch, which were cause of debate within the political system. The lack of political will on the part of Brazil and Argentina to consolidate MERCOSUR and the rivalry between Brazil and Venezuela for the political leadership of South America, caused the country to look for bilateral alternatives. Among the elected partners, the United States, Venezuela and Cuba, the former is the most outstanding although in an strictly economic-commercial dimension. The increased relations with the hemispheric power constituted at the same time an unexpected approach coming from a leftist government and a theme of consensus with the opposition political parties as well as a subject of debate within the government party itself.
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