Between the republic and democracy: Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga
Political Theory, Republicanism, Democracy, ConstitutionAbstract
This paper reconstructs the normative genesis of Uruguayan democracy based on the thought of Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga, a prominent figure of the doctrinal and political ideals of the 19th century in the country. The text catalogs Aréchaga’s thought as a relevant moment in the path of normative and institutional affirmation of Uruguayan politics. On the one hand, the article foucuses on his theoretical amalgam of liberal, republican and democratic postulates, emphasizing his combinatorial formulas of a civic perfectionism with a democratic realism. On the other hand, along with some chiaroscuro of Aréchaga’s theoretical discourse, the text analyzes his contribution to the foundations of pluralistic politcs and his anticipation to some fundamental institutional arrangements of party democracy in Uruguay, mostly enshrined in the 1917 Constitution. Finally, the author's normative legacy is reviewed, summarizing the distances and closeness of his thinking with respect to some current theoretical problems and certain central features of Uruguayan democracy.
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