The Ideological Dimension of Public Policies in Sebastián Piñera’s Government


  • Sofía Schuster Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Fortunato Morales Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Chile, government, ideology, public policy, Sebastian Piñera


In 2010, the electoral victory of Sebastián Piñera opened a new political cycle in Chile, characterized by the return of the center-right to the exercise of power by democratic means and the end of twenty years of center-left governments. In this regard, the investigation identifies the ideological elements present in the public policy implemented during Sebastian Piñera’s government.


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Author Biographies

  • Sofía Schuster, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Administradora Pública U. de Chile. Mg. en Relaciones Internacionales U. de Chile. Académica Universidad de Santiago de Chile- Facultad de Humanidades

  • Fortunato Morales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Administrador Público U. de Chile. Mg. en Ciencia Política Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile




How to Cite

The Ideological Dimension of Public Policies in Sebastián Piñera’s Government. (2015). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 24(1), 47-70.