Human Resources in Electoral Governance: Motivations of Brazilian Poll Workers




electoral governance, motivations, volunteers, poll workers, human resources


The paper focuses on the motivations of volunteer poll workers for elections. It presents results from an online survey conducted with volunteer poll workers in the municipality of Volta Redonda, in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Additionally, it aims to provide a historical overview of the consolidation process of the Brazilian Electoral Justice system, with an emphasis on electoral human resources, and to discuss the role of volunteers in electoral services as a dimension of electoral governance, particularly the personal dimension (human resources). The results indicate that intrinsic (internal) motivations, such as civic duty and the desire to participate in the democratic process, seem to outweigh extrinsic (external) motivations, such as material benefits.


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How to Cite

Human Resources in Electoral Governance: Motivations of Brazilian Poll Workers. (2024). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 33.