The Electoral Court of Uruguay: Origin, Evolution, Strengths, and Challenges




electoral organization, electoral justice, Uruguayan electoral regime


This article summarizes the process of creation and organization of the Electoral Court of Uruguay 100 years after its foundation. It is an electoral justice institution that has been instrumental in the consolidation of Uruguayan democracy in the last century, and constitutes one of the first cases in the world of a court of these characteristics due to its autonomy and neutrality. Its evolution covers a long period in which it was affirmed and adapted both in its functions and in its form of composition to the circumstances of the political process, as we try to account in these pages. The strengths, difficulties, and challenges imposed by the new conditions in the present are also addressed.


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How to Cite

The Electoral Court of Uruguay: Origin, Evolution, Strengths, and Challenges. (2024). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 33.