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Electoral financing and political representation in Brazil during the Bolsonaro government (2019‑2022): between old and new problems




This paper deals with Brazil’s most recent data on electoral financing. We focus on the results for political representation throughout the Bolsonaro government (2019‑2022), in which there were changes promoted by the Legislature (restriction of the use of self‑financing of candidates) by the Judiciary (proportionality of resources destined to women and black and brown candidacies); and by the Executive. In the latter case, we explore data that goes beyond the regulation of the Brazilian Electoral Justice and touch on the point of delivery of pork barrel (parliamentary amendments) via the so‑called Secret Budget. The results show that, despite significant legal changes, the electoral financing in Brazil continues to be highly unequal. On the side of Bolsonaro’s government, the strategy to deliver resources to his political base was successful in Legislative elections.


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2024-06-07 — Updated on 2024-06-07


How to Cite

Electoral financing and political representation in Brazil during the Bolsonaro government (2019‑2022): between old and new problems. (2024). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 33.