the rise and consolidation challenges of the emerging rightwing political party in Ecuador (2013–2021)
right-wing party, electoral rules, internal organization, anti-correism, EcuadorAbstract
This article analyzes the rise and consolidation challenges of the largest right-wing party in Ecuador at the national level: Movimiento Creando Oportunidades (CREO). Our approach focuses on the effect of electoral rules and creo’s internal organization. Employing supply and demand analyses, we discuss the rationale behind its electoral success from 2013 to 2021. Thereafter, we outline CREO's electoral performance per types of elections and candidate gender, as well as by provinces and overseas districts. Overall, creo has emerged and evolved overshadowed by the Movimiento Patria Altiva I Soberana (MPAÍS), particularly from Correism, to become a serious national electoral competitor since 2017 and won the presidential office in 2021. After the latest elections on April 2021, its main challenges stem from the dependence of the figure of Guillermo Lasso and its continuity as main right-wing party in the future.
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