The judicialization of the irregularities of political officials in Uruguay between 1985 and 2014:

description of its evolution and proposal of hypothesis



judicialization, irregularities of political officials, Uruguay


This paper describes the judicialization of cases of irregularities committed by political officials in the exercise of their function, in Uruguay, between 1985 and 2014. To do own data drawn from a revision of press media are used. Among other results, there is an increase in the number and complexity of cases in the second half of the 1990s, which is followed by a decline that has become more pronounced since 2005. In the second half of the article, quantitative and qualitative evidence is provided in favor of hypotheses with explanatory potential, and lines are raised for the construction of a complete causal model.


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How to Cite

The judicialization of the irregularities of political officials in Uruguay between 1985 and 2014:: description of its evolution and proposal of hypothesis. (2020). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 29(1), 109-134.