Political parties in Latin America Constitutions



Constitutions, political parties, regulation, Latin America


The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze the regulation of political parties in the constitutions of Latin America. Specifically, it seeks to identify, in a comparative perspective, the different models of regulation that emerge from constitutional texts. In the first place, the waves of constitutionalization of the parties and their relationship with the processes of democratization are addressed. Then, we apply a way to measure the intensity of regulation in the current constitutions of each country, according to the magnitude and range of the regulated dimensions. Finally, the paper analyzed party regulation models, defined from the different combinations of dimensions.


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How to Cite

Political parties in Latin America Constitutions. (2020). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 28(2), 87-116. https://rucp.cienciassociales.edu.uy/index.php/rucp/article/view/440