1994 elections
a new phase of the electoral transformation in Uruguay
Uruguay, Elections, PlebiscitesAbstract
The aim oftbe article is to identify the elections of 1994 as a new phase of electoral change showing the repercussions in the light of questions linked to governability. For the author, while the 1994 elections prolong previous electoral tendencies, specially the persistent growth ofthe non-traditional voting. Among the new developments the author also notes a new aIternation in the exercise of national govermnent, the consolidation ofthe breaking ofthe traditional parties' 1l10nopoly in depart1l1ental govermnent and the crisis ofbi-partis1l1 in the department ofCanelones. The article e1l1phasizes the increase ofplebiscitary initiatives as well as its different resuIts and highlights the changing dyna1l1ics in the support given to the parties by the uruguaya n volers.