Presidentialism and partifes system in Latin America


  • Scott Mainwaring Harvard Keneddy School
  • Matthew Shugart University of California, Davis


Presidencialism, Political Parties, Latin America


The aim of the artiele is to show that presidentialism in Latin America is not a homogeneous form of government, but is present in significantly different forms, which have repercussions on the legislative power in different countries. To tbis end the artíele argues that the number of parties (or the extent to which the polítical system is fragmented), the degree of internal discipline witllÍn tlle parties, alld electorallaws, are what detennine the existence of tllÍs plurality of natiollal cases. Hellce, a highly fragmented and indisciplined party system can make it difficult for presidents lo carry out their respective govermnent agenda. The autllors show tlle influence of tlle institutional arrangements on the governmental actions of the latinamerican presidencialisms


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How to Cite

Presidentialism and partifes system in Latin America. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 9, 9-40.