The re-elections of Óscar Arias, Alan García, and Daniel Ortega (2006)

three Exceptional Political Comebacks


  • David Close University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL


Political Comebacks, Latin American Turn to the left, Óscar Arias, Alan García, Daniel Ortega


Oscar Arias (Costa Rica), Alan García (Peru), and Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) made extraordinary comebacks to regain the presidency of their respective countries in 2006. Each worked diligently to return to office; led a strong political party; and enjoyed favourable, crisis-free conditions in their re-election campaigns. Examining four more successful comebacks showed only one, a Canadian, exactly paralleling the three of 2006. Of the others, one lacked a strong party and two returned to save their nations. Analyzing five failed comeback attempts revealed similar diversity. The personal factor is the most important link among the cases and the support of a strong party is important but not essential.


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How to Cite

The re-elections of Óscar Arias, Alan García, and Daniel Ortega (2006): three Exceptional Political Comebacks. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Ciencia Política, 21(2), 55-76.